Animal Communication – Two Sessions

Animal Communication – Two Sessions


“Animal Communication” – Two Sessions

These two one-hour Zoom video sessions can provide answers for questions you have regarding your pet, from the reasons why he or she is behaving a certain way, to what your pet is feeling about any given issue, from an imminent move or the loss of a fellow pet, to the addition of a new baby or a vacation away from home. A session can offer interesting insights from your pet’s perspective on what you can do to help your pet feel so much better. I will also be able to help both you and your pet with all the holistic resources and information I will share when needed.
Purchasing this two-session package is a more cost-effective way to help your pet if you think your pet needs more than a single session rather than purchasing two single sessions.
Knowing what your pet is thinking and feeling can help deepen the bond with your pet, and can also help solve a number of behavioral and health issues. At the very least, animal communication sessions can be fun, something your pet will usually enjoy as well. At the very best, they can provide valuable information to help you navigate forward with your pet to create not only a better connection between you, but also a pathway to improved health and well-being.
I will work with you to help address behavioral, mental, emotional and health issues, among a variety of other possibilities. Your pet may have a lot to tell you about things you are not even aware of. Chances are, however, that you are very in tune with your pet and are already communicating with your pet on a very deep level.


“Animal Communication” – Two Sessions

In these two sessions, I will connect telepathically with your pet, see what he or she is thinking, answer any questions you have about your pet, and also share information that your pet wants you to know. I will also share advice regarding next steps for you to take, along with resources and suggestions, to help solve particular problems.
I often combine animal health counseling within my animal communication sessions, because very often guardians want to know why their pets are not feeling well. Animals can tell you how they are feeling, but, in most cases, they don’t know exactly what they need to help them feel better.
That’s when, during a session, I can talk with guardians, and share resources and suggestions to help find out what’s wrong. I can also offer some alternative health suggestions to improve your pet’s physical, mental and emotional health.
With the second session, I will be able to select a card from my Power Animal Oracle Card Deck. That card is meant to be from your pet to you and what your pet wants to tell you. You and your pet are deeply connected. I have often found that guardians and pets share some of the same health and emotional issues. My husband often shares how much my dog Harry and I have in common.
Another possibility will be for me to do an Akashic Records Reading for your pet with your permission. I will say a special prayer and enter the Akashic Records. From there I will ask for guidance from the Lords of the Records to help channel answers to your questions.
In addition, in this second hour-long session, I can show you how to do some Tellington TTouch work and create a TTouch body wrap. I can also do some advanced energy healing work, including playing and having fun with a powerful Morphic Field that can work miracles. It’s called Master Energy Dynamics (MED). To learn more about the advanced energy healing techniques I can call upon when working with your pet and with you, click here.
Donna's Dog, Socrates

Our pets have their own thoughts and preferences. They also understand everything we say to them and often read our thoughts. Photo of Springwest Socrates by Donna El Haber, all rights reserved.

Sessions are recorded, so you can listen to them as many times as you like. I will also scan and forward any power animal card and its message that your pet has selected for you.
If the questions being asked are related to more serious, ongoing chronic disease or deeper behavioral issues, then I recommend purchasing at least two sessions to get added value for your pet and your pet’s health and well-being.  Sessions will include animal communication work, sharing information regarding health and behavioral issues, and recommending medical, homeopathic, and other health practitioners and resources. I can also do Tellington TTouch work remotely, and teach you how to do it for your pet. I also offer packages of sessions specifically for teaching guardians about Tellington TTouch. Click here to learn more about this.
If your pet is in need of healing, I can work on your pet remotely, using a variety of  advanced energy healing work to bring your pet back into a more balanced state and to help your pet feel so much better. Again, click here to learn more about the multiple advanced healing modalities that I can select when working with your pet.
Investing in two animal communication sessions also makes sense if you want me to connect with more than one pet or if you also would like to include any pets who have passed or any other animal you have a deep connection with.
Since you and your pet are so deeply connected, sometimes your pet will take on your health issues or the stresses that you are feeling in an effort to help you feel better. So I sometimes pull one or two Angel Blessings cards for you, and can also include you within the healing energy I am sending to your pet.
You can schedule a free half-hour get-acquainted session to see if I can help you and your pet at
Before our session, I will send you a form to fill out. You will be asked to return it to me via email, along with a picture of the pet or pets you would like me to speak with, their names, ages, breeds, along with some other questions and information (all of these are contained on the form I will email you). The pictures you send should clearly show your pet’s eyes and face. You will also be asked to think about some of the questions you want to ask your pet.
Your pet knows you are doing your best and loves you unconditionally. An animal communication session is a way of opening a window onto the thoughts and feelings of your pet who will always love you and who will also always appreciate greatly any efforts you make on your pet’s behalf to help uplift your pet’s quality of life.

Working with an animal communicator can help address emotional, behavioral and health issues, among a variety of other possibilities. Photo by Borna Bevanda from



To learn more about Rev. Donna, her “Break Through to Break Free Process™,” and which of her services would best help you, you can send an email to Click here to schedule a free 30-minute get-acquainted phone session with her to see if she can help you or your pet.


I invite you to download for free the first 10 ways from my “25 Ways to Attract More Love Into Your Life” e-book. I wrote this e-book in response to what my clients and friends most wanted to attract into their lives. It provides a wealth of information to help you heal, move forward, open your heart, and take positive action to attract more love into your life. For more information about my love e-book that can help your heart open to so much more love, click here.


I invite you to download for free the first 10 ways from my “25 Ways to Maintain a Happy and Healthy Dog” e-book. I wrote this e-book to help guardians and pets develop deeper, more positive relationships, and to promote the health and well-being of so many beloved dogs. As guardians, we owe our dogs the best quality of lives we can offer them. As Maya Angelou once shared with Oprah Winfrey, “When we know better, we do better.” For more information about my e-book to help guardians and their dogs, click here.
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