Power Animal Cards

  • “Healing Your Pet” Counseling and Healing Session

    This 1.5-hour Skype video session is designed to help your pet feel better through holistic recommendations, animal communication, advanced energy healing and other modalities. Rev. Donna can provide a health consult and offer holistic recommendations for your pet’s health. She will also check in through animal communication to see how your dog is feeling physically, mentally and emotionally. Following a session, she will email you articles and resources you can use to help with your pet’s health issues.

    Rev. Donna can provide a health consult and offer holistic recommendations for your pet’s health. Photo by Lilly Rosen from www.freeimages.com.

    This session is for pets that have been diagnosed with an illness or who have not been feeling well. It is also for pets that are healthy and whose guardians want to take their pets to a new level of health. If your pet is having emotional issues, Rev. Donna can explore what might be troubling your pet and help improve your pet’s mood.
    It is a way to keep your pet healthier; help your pet move forward on a healing path; or just help your pet feel better physically and emotionally. It is a lovely journey that you and your pet can be on together as you both open to love, healing and miracles.
  • “Animal Communication” - Single Session

    This one-hour Zoom video session can provide answers for questions you have regarding your pet, from the reasons why he or she is behaving a certain way, to what your pet is feeling about any given issue, from an imminent move or the loss of a fellow pet, to the addition of a new baby or a vacation away from home. A session can offer interesting insights from your pet's perspective on what you can do to help your pet feel so much better. I will also be able to help you and your pet with all the holistic resources and information I will share when needed.
    Knowing what your pet is thinking and feeling can help deepen the bond with your pet, and can also help solve a number of behavioral and health issues. At the very least, animal communication sessions can be fun, something your pet will usually enjoy as well. At the very best, they can provide valuable information to help you navigate forward with your pet to create not only a better connection between you, but also a pathway to improved health and well-being.
    I will work with you to help address behavioral, mental, emotional and health issues, among a variety of other possibilities. Your pet may have a lot to tell you about things you are not even aware of. Chances are, however, that you are very in tune with your pet and are already communicating with your pet on a very deep level.
  • “Animal Communication” - Two Sessions

    These two one-hour Zoom video sessions can provide answers for questions you have regarding your pet, from the reasons why he or she is behaving a certain way, to what your pet is feeling about any given issue, from an imminent move or the loss of a fellow pet, to the addition of a new baby or a vacation away from home. A session can offer interesting insights from your pet's perspective on what you can do to help your pet feel so much better. I will also be able to help both you and your pet with all the holistic resources and information I will share when needed.
    Purchasing this two-session package is a more cost-effective way to help your pet if you think your pet needs more than a single session rather than purchasing two single sessions.
    Knowing what your pet is thinking and feeling can help deepen the bond with your pet, and can also help solve a number of behavioral and health issues. At the very least, animal communication sessions can be fun, something your pet will usually enjoy as well. At the very best, they can provide valuable information to help you navigate forward with your pet to create not only a better connection between you, but also a pathway to improved health and well-being.
    I will work with you to help address behavioral, mental, emotional and health issues, among a variety of other possibilities. Your pet may have a lot to tell you about things you are not even aware of. Chances are, however, that you are very in tune with your pet and are already communicating with your pet on a very deep level.


To learn more about Rev. Donna, her “Break Through to Break Free Process™,” and which of her services would best help you, you can send an email to info@lovehealingandmiracles.com. Click here to schedule a free 30-minute get-acquainted phone session with her to see if she can help you or your pet.


I invite you to download for free the first 10 ways from my “25 Ways to Attract More Love Into Your Life” e-book. I wrote this e-book in response to what my clients and friends most wanted to attract into their lives. It provides a wealth of information to help you heal, move forward, open your heart, and take positive action to attract more love into your life. For more information about my love e-book that can help your heart open to so much more love, click here.


I invite you to download for free the first 10 ways from my “25 Ways to Maintain a Happy and Healthy Dog” e-book. I wrote this e-book to help guardians and pets develop deeper, more positive relationships, and to promote the health and well-being of so many beloved dogs. As guardians, we owe our dogs the best quality of lives we can offer them. As Maya Angelou once shared with Oprah Winfrey, “When we know better, we do better.” For more information about my e-book to help guardians and their dogs, click here.
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