Archangel Rafael

  • “Healing Your Pet” Counseling and Healing Session

    This 1.5-hour Skype video session is designed to help your pet feel better through holistic recommendations, animal communication, advanced energy healing and other modalities. Rev. Donna can provide a health consult and offer holistic recommendations for your pet’s health. She will also check in through animal communication to see how your dog is feeling physically, mentally and emotionally. Following a session, she will email you articles and resources you can use to help with your pet’s health issues.

    Rev. Donna can provide a health consult and offer holistic recommendations for your pet’s health. Photo by Lilly Rosen from

    This session is for pets that have been diagnosed with an illness or who have not been feeling well. It is also for pets that are healthy and whose guardians want to take their pets to a new level of health. If your pet is having emotional issues, Rev. Donna can explore what might be troubling your pet and help improve your pet’s mood.
    It is a way to keep your pet healthier; help your pet move forward on a healing path; or just help your pet feel better physically and emotionally. It is a lovely journey that you and your pet can be on together as you both open to love, healing and miracles.

    “Pets in Transition and Beyond” Single Session

    This 1.5-hour Skype video session can support pets going through challenges that many senior dogs and cats that are very sick are facing. This session can also help provide comfort, support and guidance for guardians who are doing their best to help their pets at this difficult time.
    I was grateful to have been there for Jeanne and her beloved Matty Rose, 14, when she was nearing the end of her time here. My work with Jeanne and Matty Rose inspired the creation of this kind of session. I also helped Jeanne when her beloved sweet young dog, Henry, developed cancer. You can read her testimonial on the pet testimonial page.
    Henry Swimming

    Sweet and handsome Henry was very young when he developed a kind of aggressive cancer. I helped Henry and his guardian Jeanne during this challenging time. Henry and his sister Matty Rose will always remain in my heart for the courage both showed and the deep love they had for Jeanne and each other. Photo by Jeanne Heil. All rights reserved.

    I also understand deeply what guardians of senior pets are going through as I faced that too when my senior dog Socrates, almost 14, was approaching his final years, months and days here.  I wish I had known of someone back then that I could trust who was offering this type of session and support for Socrates and me. Through counseling, health consult recommendations and referrals, animal communication, advanced energy healing, prayer work and other offerings, I will provide guidance, love and support for you and your pet.

    My dog Socrates was almost 14 in this picture. He was greeting his new brother, Harry, 8 weeks old, for the first time. Socrates would have only three more weeks to live before Harry would step in to help heal my heart. I wish I had known someone who could have provided different ways to support me and Socrates through this difficult transition.



To learn more about Rev. Donna, her “Break Through to Break Free Process™,” and which of her services would best help you, you can send an email to Click here to schedule a free 30-minute get-acquainted phone session with her to see if she can help you or your pet.


I invite you to download for free the first 10 ways from my “25 Ways to Attract More Love Into Your Life” e-book. I wrote this e-book in response to what my clients and friends most wanted to attract into their lives. It provides a wealth of information to help you heal, move forward, open your heart, and take positive action to attract more love into your life. For more information about my love e-book that can help your heart open to so much more love, click here.


I invite you to download for free the first 10 ways from my “25 Ways to Maintain a Happy and Healthy Dog” e-book. I wrote this e-book to help guardians and pets develop deeper, more positive relationships, and to promote the health and well-being of so many beloved dogs. As guardians, we owe our dogs the best quality of lives we can offer them. As Maya Angelou once shared with Oprah Winfrey, “When we know better, we do better.” For more information about my e-book to help guardians and their dogs, click here.
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