Rev. Donna El Haber

The Legacy of Lucille Clifton


The Rich and Remarkable Legacy of Lucille Clifton Lucille Clifton, Photo from 2010/02/13/bhm-lucille Iwas deeply saddened to learn about the passing of a woman I so admired, respected and appreciated. Born in 1936, Lucille Clifton, the extraordinary African-American poet, whose compact, taut, yet rich and often heart-wrenching poetry that [...]

The Legacy of Lucille Clifton2020-04-18T23:08:57-07:00

“Walking on Water” Meditation


Having the Faith to “Walk on the Water” Knowing You Are Always Guided and All Will be Well At an Angelic Healing Circle I led, I did a meditation to get participants to focus on an issue they needed help with. The theme of that Angel Healing Circle was “Walking on Water” and the [...]

“Walking on Water” Meditation2020-04-18T23:11:26-07:00

Gratitude Meditation


Call Upon Ooniemme, the Angel of Gratitude, to Shift Your Mood and Raise Your Vibration Ooniemme is the Angel of Gratitude. Listen to this meditation to help shift your focus and mood to one of gratitude. When you do, you always lift your vibration and invite the Universe to gift you with so much [...]

Gratitude Meditation2020-04-18T23:12:33-07:00

Angel of Faith Meditation


Calling on Uzziel to Help Strengthen Your Faith in Times of Challenge and Struggle Uzziel is the Angel of Faith. The picture on the Angel of Faith card is one of Jacob wrestling with the Angel of Faith all night before letting go and surrendering his will in faith to God’s will. If you [...]

Angel of Faith Meditation2020-04-18T23:13:30-07:00

“The Kid Goats of Jamil” by Taha Muhammad Ali


How Precious Baby Goats Transformed the Hearts of So Many. What Can You Do to Open Your Heart to More Love, Wonder, Awe and Gratitude? This is a very special poem, one of my favorites, written by a Palestinian poet named Taha Muhammad Ali, who has since passed. I read this poem and [...]

“The Kid Goats of Jamil” by Taha Muhammad Ali2020-04-18T23:14:35-07:00

Rev. Donna and Sharbel’s Teleconference on Gratitude


With open hearts, my husband Sharbel and I shared our thoughts and feelings about the subject of gratitude. Being Twin Flames who finally were able to unite, we are especially grateful for this grace in our lives. From major life transitions to small and quiet aspects of life, from a wedding to a flower [...]

Rev. Donna and Sharbel’s Teleconference on Gratitude2020-04-18T23:15:31-07:00

Rev. Donna and Sharbel’s Teleconference on Faith


My husband Sharbel and I share our thoughts and feelings on the subject of faith, how we have been tested, and how our faith has remained strong and resilient. Just overcoming the many challenges we had before we could marry is a testament to our faith and the power of love. Our faith continues [...]

Rev. Donna and Sharbel’s Teleconference on Faith2020-04-18T23:16:15-07:00

Talk on the Principles of Tellington TTouch® for People on “Initiating the Shift” Program


 I gave a talk in an online “Initiating the Shift” program called “The Principles of Tellington TTouch® for People.” It is a moving and wide-ranging discussion of how the principles of Tellington TTouch® can be applied to people as well. I think you will appreciate the beautiful philosophy that is the foundation of Tellington [...]

Talk on the Principles of Tellington TTouch® for People on “Initiating the Shift” Program2020-04-18T23:17:58-07:00

Shift Your Attitude to one of Gratitude – Take the Gratitude Challenge: A Way to Help Shift from Fear and Worry to Faith and Trust


Shift Your Attitude to one of Gratitude – Take the Gratitude Challenge: A Way to Help Shift from Fear and Worry to Faith and Trust This Blog Post was originally written in February 2010. Although some things have changed since this post was written, the importance of shifting into a state of gratitude, [...]

Shift Your Attitude to one of Gratitude – Take the Gratitude Challenge: A Way to Help Shift from Fear and Worry to Faith and Trust2020-04-18T23:18:58-07:00


To learn more about Rev. Donna, her “Break Through to Break Free Process™,” and which of her services would best help you, you can send an email to Click here to schedule a free 30-minute get-acquainted phone session with her to see if she can help you or your pet.


I invite you to download for free the first 10 ways from my “25 Ways to Attract More Love Into Your Life” e-book. I wrote this e-book in response to what my clients and friends most wanted to attract into their lives. It provides a wealth of information to help you heal, move forward, open your heart, and take positive action to attract more love into your life. For more information about my love e-book that can help your heart open to so much more love, click here.


I invite you to download for free the first 10 ways from my “25 Ways to Maintain a Happy and Healthy Dog” e-book. I wrote this e-book to help guardians and pets develop deeper, more positive relationships, and to promote the health and well-being of so many beloved dogs. As guardians, we owe our dogs the best quality of lives we can offer them. As Maya Angelou once shared with Oprah Winfrey, “When we know better, we do better.” For more information about my e-book to help guardians and their dogs, click here.
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