Holistic Modalities

Tellington TTouch® for You

Tellington TTouch®
Linda Tellington-Jones has created a way to work not only with horses and companion animals, but also with people.
Here is a description from the TTouch website:
“TTouch for You® is a system of gentle circular TTouches that works at the cellular level to activate the body’s potential.
Linda Tellington-Jones, PhD (Hon) created the TTouch in 1983 for the training and care of horses and other animals. While learning TTouch for their animals, horse and pet owners practiced these techniques on each other to better understand what their animals were experiencing. Effectiveness of the TTouch for people became apparent. Over the years, people of all ages realized a newfound sense of well-being and renewal using TTouch. They also got relief from everyday physical and emotional issues such as headaches, backache, neck pain, depression, and sensitivity to touch.”
To learn more, go to http://www.ttouch.com/whyTTouch4You.shtml.

The Journey

The Journey
I have taken several Journey classes and can lead clients through both emotional and physical journey processes. It can be a very powerful modality for transformational healing, especially when someone is holding on to anger and has people to forgive.

Linda Howe Center for Akashic Studies

Linda Howe Center
I have taken an in-person class with Linda Howe and several other online classes learning how to get information from the Akashic Records. The answers found in the Akashic Records can go very deep and into past lifetimes.

Past Life Regression

Quantum Hypnotherapy
I was certified to do past life regressions after a past life regression course with Dr. Ashok Jain. For those interested in past life regression, Dr. Jain has devoted many years to the study of this and other modalities like hypnosis to help people heal.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

Emotional Freedom Technique
This healing modality, developed by Gary Craig, uses the tapping on meridian point to help defuse negative thoughts and emotions. I have mainly used EFT for those feeling trauma or for those whose thoughts are circling in a painful negative loop.


New England School of Homeopathy (NESH), Dr. Amy Rothenberg and Dr. Paul Herscu
This brilliant husband and wife team have been in practice for over 30 years, helping patients and teaching students. To learn more about them and their rich body of work, go to www.nesh.com.
Amy Lansky
Amy Lansky, the mother of an autistic son who was cured using homeopathic remedies, wrote a wonderful book about classical homeopathy called Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy. Check her websites, www.impossiblecure.com, www.activeconsciousness.com and her blog at AmyLansky.com.
Sheri Nakken, R.N.
Sheri Nakken, R.N., teaches online classes in classical homeopathy. Her page, http://www.wellwithin1.com/homeo.htm, has information about her classes and a wealth of information on homeopathy, including a listing of other homeopathic websites.
She also has a blog at https://homeopathycures.wordpress.com/ that offers a wealth of information.
Tamar Laderman, CCH, RN, FNP-BC – Family Nurse Practitioner
Tamar helped me and my family for several years with her brilliant selection of remedies. I owe her a particular debt of gratitude for improving the quality of life for both my mother and dog Socrates. She is always a kind and compassionate homeopathic practitioner who listens with her heart as well as her mind.
Center for Health and Healing, 245 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10016, 646-935-2257. To learn more, go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_-b5p6hVYU.


Kit and Natalie Mitchell, www.kitandnatalie.com
Gifted psychic mediums, Kit and Natalie are also gifted teachers and a very positive duo. I enjoyed taking a class with them.
Sharon Klingler, www.sharonklingler.com
A gifted physic medium, Sharon offered so many insights in the weekend workshop class I took with her.
Paul and Deb Rees – Accolade Academy, www.accoladeacademy.com
Paul and Deb Rees, a husband and wife team, offered high energy, humor, wisdom and their years of experience as working mediums during the classes I took with them. Both very gifted psychic mediums, they believe we all are natural born mediums.
Let's Chat to See If I Can Help!

Would you like to know more?

If you would like a free 30-minute get-acquainted phone or Skype session with me, you can schedule an appointment at www.meetme.so/donnaelhaber. You can also email me at info@lovehealingandmiracles.com.
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