How Precious Baby Goats Transformed the Hearts of So Many. What Can You Do to Open Your Heart to More Love, Wonder, Awe and Gratitude?

This is a very special poem, one of my favorites, written by a Palestinian poet named Taha Muhammad Ali, who has since passed. I read this poem and shared my thoughts about it during an angel ministry Easter teleseminar while still a student studying to become an angel minister. I hope this poem filled with renewals of hope, joy and love touches your heart as it does mine. May it help lighten any burdens and may it help shift your thoughts to ones of grace and abundance that are always all around us. If some beautiful baby goats can impact so many in such positive ways, where can you look and what can you see and do in your own life to open your heart to the love, beauty and wonder that always surrounds you?

If some baby goats transformed the hearts of an entire village, what in your life can help shift your heart to open to more love, gratitude, wonder and awe? Blog photo by Loretta Humble from

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