Audio Clips of My Angel Counseling, Healing and Prayer Work

Some of you may be wondering what happens in one of my angel counseling and healing sessions. Below are some excerpts involving angels, healing and meditation. When in a client session, my intuition is open and I am often guided about what to share and how to help a client. In addition to the angel cards, channeled messages, experiential wisdom and healing I share, I also may bring in music, wisdom from others, recommendations for helping the body, mind, heart and soul heal. If you go to my Break Through to Break Free Process® page here, you can learn more about what happens and how breakthroughs can occur. If the work that I do resonates for you, it would be my blessing to help you or your pet. To see if you are a “right-fit” client, you can click here.

Meditation and Healing in Angel Counseling Session

In this sacred session, I was guided to do a special meditation for the client that also included some advanced energy healing for her aching hips.

Channeling Wisdom from Angels in Counseling Sessions:

Chamuel, the Angel of Adoration

Angel of Adoration
In this counseling session, I selected the Archangel Chamuel. I called Chamuel in to be around the client and I channeled a message from this beautiful angel. When Chamuel shows up the message is about loving yourself and being more kind, caring and compassionate for yourself and others. Chamuel asks us not only to adore ourselves and treat ourselves with the kindness we deserve, but to also connect deeply with God in love and adoration. Chamuel’s presence was like balm for this client’s heart and soul.

Amitiel, the Angel of Truth

Angel of Truth
In this counseling session, the Archangel Amitiel, the Angel of Truth, showed up in this client’s current reality. When Amitiel shows up, it is often to encourage you to stop hiding who you really are and to stand boldly in your truth. This card was very appropriate for this client who felt that she had been hiding her spiritual light because she was afraid of being judged. Hiding the truth of who she really is was like showing up with her hands tied behind her back. Amitiel helps you set your truth free. And when you do, you feel so much lighter and more free to speak your truth wherever you are.

Uriel, the Angel of Ministration

Angel of Ministration
During an angel counseling session for a client who was going through some difficult challenges, Uriel showed up to help her through this time in her life, offering strength, resiliency and courage. Uriel often comes to help and minister to those who are facing challenging issues in their lives. Uriel has powerful energy that works behind the scenes, helping to orchestrate solutions, while relieving the pressure of life’s burdens. When Uriel shows up, this angel is prepared to help you fight any battles and bring some solutions and relief to any situation, helping to clear the path to a brighter tomorrow.
Angel Attunements

Quantum Prayer

I developed my own Quantum Prayer technique after taking a spoon and fork bending class and seeing how our thoughts and intentions are so powerful – powerful enough to bend an unbendable fork or spoon. In this technique, I also use powerful visualization channeled to me along with wisdom from my guides and angels. I end by collapsing the sweetest vision of what I want to see for my client into my heart. The heart is the seat of miracles, the place where you can get to a zero-point field of love and light where so many miracles are possible. After sharing my Quantum Prayers, clients report that they feel so relaxed and hopeful and some even shed tears of gratitude.

Quantum Spins and Quantum Prayer

In a teleseminar on Gratitude that I did with my husband Sharbel, I went into a meditative state and did several Quantum Spins to clear all the listeners’ chakras and to bless their lives. Then I concluded with a Quantum Prayer for the group. The word “Quantum” here means that it is advanced, powerful and activated instantaneously in unseen ways. It also means that whatever is asked for using Quantum techniques can take its own time to process. When using Quantum techniques to bend forks and spoons, the silverware can bend instantly after you have set your intention and imagined what you want using one of several Quantum techniques. Or it can take a while. What is shared can also be outside of time and can affect those listening to the recording in positive ways if you set your intention to be included.
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