“25 Ways to Attract More Love Into Your Life” E-Book

Powerful Steps to Open Your Heart and Raise Your Vibration

  • Are you someone who is longing for more love in your life?
  • Do you want to ignite more passion in your relationship?
  • Do you need to learn how to love yourself more?
  • Are you holding on to anger and resentment in any area of your life?
  • Are there others your heart needs to finally forgive?
  • Are you ready to go on a journey of self-exploration to attract
    more love and joy into your life?
  • Are you doing the same things and getting the same unsatisfying results?
  • Do you want to cultivate a deeper relationship with Spirit?
  • Are you ready to embrace the beautiful light in the world you already are?
  • Can you make a commitment to take steady action so you can attract
    more love into your life?
  • Can you make time for more fun and joy in your life?
  • Are you ready to look at some blind spots that have been holding you back from more fully enjoying your life?
  • Do you want to become a magnet for love and all the good in your life
    that awaits you?

Open Your Heart as You Watch This Movie About My E-Book

Click here to purchase your e-book for $9.97 to begin attracting more love into your life.
You can also enter the information at right to download for free the first 10 of the “25 Ways to Attract More Love Into Your Life” and opt in to receive future communications from me.

Download for free the first 10 of the
“25 Ways to Attract More Love Into Your Life”

What is this E-book about?

This over 200-page e-book offers readers who are ready to attract more love into their lives 25 different specific actions for them to take to attract more love, joy and abundance into their lives. Each way provides detailed information about what to do and how to do it.
The ways range from delving inwardly to clear blocks and release the past to all sorts of fun ways to open your heart, from singing and dancing, to cooking, reading, writing,  meditating, and connecting more deeply to Spirit.
From calling upon angels and saints, to getting a new pet to love, this e-book also beckons you to love yourself more deeply, as it encourages you to reach out to others in heartfelt service.
In each of the 25 ways, I share my personal thoughts and reflections on love and how I attracted more love into my own life. I share experiences I have had on my own journey to find love, and how, at long last, I connected with my husband, who is my Twin Flame Love. I also share personal stories about others who have healed their hearts and succeeded in attracting more love into their lives.
This e-book contains a wealth of online resources, including articles, audios, videos, charts, and so much more. Using my own photography and some wonderful photos from www.freeimages.com, each way comes with beautiful photos that can speak to your soul and help open your heart.
Each of the ways represents a potential ingredient you can use to create your own delicious recipe to attract more love into your life.

What Will You Learn?

This e-book offers 25 powerful ways to attract more love into your life that you can easily put into action. They are just a start on your journey to attract more love into your life.
As an interfaith angel minister, I guide you to call on many different angels, saints, guides and beings of light to help you do this. I also ask you to open your heart more and more, as you release any hurts and resentments you have towards yourself and others.
Many of the exercises and resources offer ways for you to heal your heart, release whatever is holding you back, and open to more love, joy and abundance.
This journey to attract more love into your life can begin with some small steps. Those steps can eventually open huge and mystical doors to the grace, beauty and joy of so much love pouring into your life. It all begins with you, the intentions you set, your willingness to shift into gratitude and to raise your vibration, along with the actions you take.
Once you open the gates of action and intention, shift your thoughts to become more positive and raise your vibration, you will find so many ways to accomplish your goal. This e-book will help unleash your own creativity and energy. It will help put you in a vortex that will whirl with love if you just follow the powerful suggested steps. This e-book can become your precious portal to so much more love and joy in your life.
Purple Vortex

This e-book will help put you into a vortex that will whirl with love if you just follow the powerful suggested steps. It can become your precious portal to so much more love and joy in your life. Photo by lokigrl1616 from www.freeimages.com.

If you are ready to take some action to attract more love into your life, I invite you to download the first 10 ways for free, opting in to receive future communications from me. If you would like 15 additional powerful ways to open your heart to attract more love into your life, you can purchase my e-book. I encourage you to make this commitment to yourself. You are such a blessed miracle and deserve so much good in your life. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to create positive shifts in your life that can uplift your heart and soul.
My best hope is that if you make this investment in yourself by downloading the first 10 ways or by purchasing the e-book, you will make the commitment to read the entire free download or e-book and follow all of the ways that resonate most for you.
From animals and angels, to singing, dancing, cooking, writing and connecting more deeply with your soul, you will be gently guided to inner transformation. When you transform your inner world, your outer world also begins to change. When you turn on the light within, you will find yourself surrounded by more and more light.
Light in Forest

When you turn on the light within, you will find yourself surrounded by more and more light. Photo by Fabrizio from www.freeimages.com.

You will learn about how I fell in love with my Twin Flame, a man from the Middle East.  I talked to him every day for nine months before I ever even met him. I share how we totally transformed each others’ lives in miraculous ways.
You will also learn how to be more gentle with yourself and  how so much more love and joy come when you are in service to yourself, others and God. As I share in my introduction, “When you are in service to help and enrich the lives of others, when you regularly uplift hearts, it is in that service where you will find the most riches and your greatest joy.”

Who You Are?

I wrote this e-book with certain individuals in mind. Let me share with you some of their characteristics. Maybe I am describing someone you know. Maybe what I write, or at least parts of it, will resonate with you.
  • You may be someone who wants to break free from old habits, but you are not sure how to do that.
  • You may be someone who is wired “for the familiar” and holding on to what you know, even if it is uncomfortable and preventing more love and joy from coming into your life.
  • You are someone who is busy, and who may be feeling overwhelmed.
  • You may engage in some negative self-talk, convincing yourself that you will never be able to succeed in attracting more of what you want in your life.
  • You may find reasons not to invest in your own health and self-growth.
  • You may have a blind spot about your own brilliance and what you truly deserve in your life.
  • You may have a spouse or partner who is not supporting your growth in ways you would like, and who may fear that your growth will have some negative effects on your relationship.
Dog through a Slot

You may be someone who is “wired for the familiar” and fearful of the new and unknown. That fear can be holding you back from letting so much more love into your life. Photo by Adam Orzechoski from www.freeimages.com.

Married Couple

You may have a spouse who fears your growth and whom you feel doesn’t support you in ways you would like. Photo by Marcos Santos from www.freeimages.com.

  • You may be someone who judges yourself very critically and who may be critical of others as well.
  • You may be someone who is not in an easy flow of give-and-take in life, finding it especially difficult to receive compliments, gifts and help.
  • You might be someone who can give too much and then feel depleted and angry about it when not enough is being returned.
  • Because you are so busy, you may be someone who has neglected self-care and the nourishment of your soul.
  • Like so many of us, you may be in denial about what is not working in your life.
  • You may be someone who keeps hoping for a miracle without following the divine guidance you  are already receiving.
  • You may be someone who keeps trying to take control when Spirit is asking you to move in a different direction.
Ocean Waves

You might be someone who is not in an easy flow of give-and-take in life, like the waves that effortlessly roll in and roll out. Photo by Roger Kirby from www.freeimages.com.

Sunshine through Clouds

You may be someone who is not following the Divine guidance you are already receiving. Photo by Michal Koralewski from www.freeimages.com.

  • You may have some fears about taking the next steps, so you continue making excuses about why you cannot move forward.
  • You may also have fears about not being able to make the changes necessary to attract more love into your life and to have the fulfilling life you deserve.
  • You may think you have to make changes without any help or mistakenly think you have to make BIG changes to create positive change.
  • You may be putting off what you should begin doing today, like proactively setting your intention to attract more love into your life.
  • You may be someone who doesn’t believe you have the power to step into your own greatness.
  • You may also be someone who has stopped connecting regularly with Spirit and who is not letting Spirit gently guide your next steps and the trajectory of your life.
  • You are someone who wants to feel more love and support in your life.
  • You also want to have more clarity in your life on what you want to achieve.
Child in Park

You may mistakenly think you have to make BIG changes and move way outside your comfort zone to create positive change. All you have to do is begin to take some small steps to begin your journey to attract more love into your life. Photo by Brandon Sarney from www.freeimages.com.

What do you need most to attract more love into your life?

  • You need to make a strong commitment to yourself and invest in yourself, knowing you are so deserving of all the good you can attract into your life.
  • You have to have the courage to say “yes” to the repetitive signs that keep appearing and are willing to release old ways that no longer serve you for your highest good. You have to seek guidance from within and from Spirit.
  • Sometimes you will have to find the right mentor to lead you out of the forest of your own habitual thinking.
  • You need to summon the strength to embrace change and be in the flow of your own life.
  • Sometimes you have to “feel the fear” and “do it anyway.”
  • To truly shine your light and attract what you want into your life, you have to cultivate a mindset of miracles and abundance.
  • You need to find a way to forgive what has happened in your past and the people in your life, affirming it is not too late to make positive changes.
  • You are someone who needs to cultivate and nurture the belief that you are powerful beyond your imagining and that with Spirit’s help, and with love, all is possible.
Light in a Forest

You need a guide and mentor to shine a light to lead you out of the forest of your own habitual ways of thinking. Photo by Laszlo Honti from www.freeimages.com.


You are powerful beyond your imagining, and with Spirit’s help, and with love, all is possible. Photo by Angela Jeu from www.freeimages.com.


You have to have the courage to embrace the new and release old patterns that are unfulfilling. You are willing to take more risks to attract what you want into your life. Photo by Chad Littlejohn from www.freeimages.com.

Why I Wrote This E-Book

When contemplating what subject I wanted to write about to help clients and friends, I talked to several of them, and even prepared a survey of questions to ask them. When it came down to what each of them wanted most in their lives, almost all of them shared that their hearts longed most for more love in their lives.
I was surprised at first because so many of them had other pressing issues in their lives. Some had serious financial issues, while others were so unhappy in their careers. Still others had an array of health issues.
But even for those in unsatisfying relationships, or others who had experienced heartache and heartbreak, they all still affirmed that love was the most important aspect of life for them. It was what each of them wanted most in their lives.
Each had unique ideas about what they wanted to achieve. Some wanted to attract the right and perfect mate. Others wanted to deepen their current relationships or learn how to be more loving partners. Others wanted to share their love more fully or just become more loving to themselves and others.
So I began to brainstorm and came up with an array of actions that readers could take to attract more love into their lives. These actions could also help heal their hearts and help them dissolve some internal barriers. The information flowed so easily that I knew my angels and guides were participating in the writing of this book.
I wanted to have this e-book available as soon as possible, so for now, I have kept it to 25 ways. In just these 25 ways, there is an abundance of riches for readers to mine to attract more love into their lives.
I thought it would be a wonderful gift for those who want to receive future communications from me to offer them a free download of the first 10 ways. And if they saw value in those ways and wanted to read more, they would have the opportunity to purchase the complete e-book.
Since this topic is so important to so many, I will share more ways to attract love into your life in future e-books. In this first e-book on love, there is a wealth of important information to help hearts heal and open to so much more love in their lives.
Couple at Beach

Despite having financial issues, health issues and career issues, those I spoke with affirmed they wanted to attract more love into their lives. Photo by Patrick Henry from www.freeimages.com.


Angel at Padre Pio

The information for this book flowed so easily that I knew my angels and guides were helping to channel it through me. Photo by Donna El Haber, 2014. All rights reserved.


How is this e-book different from others?

This e-book not only offers spiritual wisdom and personal experiences, but has specific suggestions for you to follow to begin opening the gates of your heart to more love. It also includes beautiful photos that illustrate each of the ways, along with an array of powerful resources, that will enhance each way and experience. From audios and videos, to meditations, books and articles, this e-book offers a wealth of additional support for you as you travel down this road of attracting more love into your life.
Car on the Road

This e-book offers a wealth of additional support for you as you travel down this road of attracting more love into your life. Photo by Aneta Blaszczyk from www.freeimages.com.

As a writer, ordained interfaith angel minister and counselor, and advanced energy healer for both people and pets, I have written an e-book that contains the wisdom I have gained in my own life, in addition to what both the people and pets I have worked with have taught me. It also includes the wisdom I have learned from taking many spiritual classes and reading many books on a variety of subjects.
I am also someone who waited a very long time for my true love to come along. It’s why I played Etta James’ song, “At Last,” as I walked down the aisle at my wedding. I understand the pain and longing of waiting for your beloved and for the gift of being able to attract more love into your life. My best hope is that some of what I have learned will be of help and great value to those who read my book.
Rev. Donna Walking down the Aisle

I am someone who waited a very long time for my true love to come along. It’s why I played Etta James’ song, “At Last,” as I walked down the aisle with so much emotion at my wedding, feeling so grateful and blessed to have found my true love. And now it’s your turn to find your true love. Photo by Joseph Mendez, 2014. All rights reserved.



Download Your E-Book Now!

Click here to purchase your e-book for $9.97 to begin attracting more love into your life.
With love, all things are possible!